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企业名称: 际特(北京)技术有限公司
成立日期: 99年2月2日
企业性质: 外资企业
所属行业: 石油、化工业
注册资金: 4800万/元 人民币
员工人数: 50~200人
所在地区: 北京 北京市
GTC Technology Inc. provides proprietary licensed technology to processing industries naphtha processing to terephthalic acid purification. Headquartered in North America operating globally, GTC is the leader in applying innovative solutions to solve chemical processing problems maximize chemical processing opportunities.

The seeds of the company started in 1994, when several of the now principals of the company were gaining knowledge experience in separations technologies. Expert themselves in extractive distillation (ED), the engineers scientists began to apply ED to previously overlooked production areas.

The company’s success has been built around a single notion applied to the production of chemicals the refining of petroleum worldwide. The notion is to examine a marketable production process, enhance improve it until that experience generates a step-change in production efficiencies capacities. That notion applied to mature processes such as the production of dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), resulted in dramatic changes in the production process a significant extension of the product life.

At the same time, aromatics recovery studies demonstrated again again the tremendous profitability of replacing LLE with ED for this ever-tightening production area. GTC’s hs-on, market-driven approach brought about significant economic incentives in aromatics recovery purification. GTC is marketing technologies for paraxylene production fuel gas desulphurization, both of which combine detailed process knowledge with keen process application.

公司拥有从石脑油工艺直到对苯二甲酸精精制的一系列的自行研发的成套转让技术和工程设计经验,其中包括:GT-BTX,GT-DMT,GT-Plux, GT-BX, GT-Styrene等多项世界领先的成熟工艺技术。公司的服务范围涵盖石油化工和炼油等许多领域。
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